Enable Girl’s and Women’s Rights in MaliIn Mali many girls and women don’t exist – officially. They lack the identity papers which secures them their civil rights. The campaign “Giv en Pige Ret/Enable Girl’s and Women’s Rights” provides them with the necessary papers to prove their existence and claim their rights. Without a birth certificate they have no right to go to school or to vote. Without an identity card they can’t open a bank account or travel freely within the country. Without a marriage certificate they can lose custody of their children in case of divorce and are not ensured their inheritance if their husband dies. The campaign is a co-operation between MUSONET and KULU – Women and Development and is financed solely by KULU’s fundraising and information campaign in Denmark. Since 2008 the campaign has enabled 1300 women and girls to receive the official documents they lack. As part of the campaign, MUSONET does a lot of information work to create as many ripple effects as possible from the advocacy for and handing out the documents. The documents are handed out at elaborate ceremonies, often with press coverage, and the occasion is used for spreading information about rights and about themes like warning against the widespread early marriages. Many receivers have told that they feel a new sense of dignity and citizenship with the official documents, which fathers and husbands often support. A lot of the receivers have been school girls where the papers enable them to continue beyond the most basic education; and on those occasions the parents make a public vow to let the girls finish school before they get married. Due to MUSONET and KULU’s “Enable Girl’s and Women’s Rights”- campaign, women in Mali are now better equipped to take their crucial part in the development of Mali and of Africa. To support "Enable Girl's and Women's Rights" go to our webshop. One donation of DKK 250 supports one set of papers for one girl or woman. |
Kvindernes U-landsudvalg • Thoravej 13, 2. tv. • 2400 København NV • Tel.: +45 33 15 78 70 • Fax: +45 33 32 53 30 • kulu@kulu.dk Nordea reg. nr. 2191 • Kontonr.: 8968 139 453 • Giro: +01 +9 00 55 01 • Mobile pay: 90 69 61 Cvr-nr.: 83 76 75 10 • Foto: Ole Gabrielsen Udformning: Line Herdel Ansv. redaktør: Janice G. Førde |