
KULU - Women and Development was founded on May 8th, 1976, by a committee of Danish women's and development organisations, who were inspired by the first UN World Conference on Women in Mexico in 1975 and energized by the information and advocacy work the committee had carried out to influence Danish gender equality and development policies from a women’s rights and gender equality perspective. The key forms of interaction were dialogue, networking, and solidarity then; and these have continued to play a central role in KULU’s work to promote voices, influence and participation for women's rights and gender equality in the Danish and international development and aid policy discourse.

Through the years, KULU has left its mark on a wide range of debates and strategies for Danish development and trade policies, including Denmark's first policy and strategy on women in international development initiatives.

KULU - Women and Development has organised countless public meetings, seminars, and awareness campaigns, hosted dialogue visits from partners, as well as issuing publications on current topics, done in dialogue and cooperation with a range of women's organisations and networks worldwide. This extensive work has been done in cooperation and partnerships with small and large women's organisations and networks in Africa, Asia and Latin America and global networks.
Kvindernes U-landsudvalg  •  Thoravej 13, 2. tv. •  2400 København NV  •  Tel.: +45 33 15 78 70  •  Fax: +45 33 32 53 30  •
Nordea reg. nr. 2191  •  Kontonr.: 8968 139 453  •  Giro: +01 +9 00 55 01  • Mobile pay: 90 69 61
  Cvr-nr.: 83 76 75 10  •  Foto: Ole Gabrielsen   Udformning: Line Herdel   Ansv. redaktør: Janice G. Førde
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