Our Work

KULU-Women and Development works through information, development education, advocacy and lobby, which is based on networking and dialogue with women´s organisations in Africa, Asia, Latin America and international networks. KULU cooperates strategically in alliances, thematic networks, and projects with Southern partners, linking development education and information work to advocacy and lobby towards politicians and decision-makers.

KULU - Women and Development has a number of theme-based working groups, comprised of board and general assembly members, activists, and volunteers. They are the foundation of KULUs work. All working group members are encouraged to become members of KULU.
·         MDGs & post-2015 development agenda
·         Women’s rights, gender, climate and environment challenges
·         Gender and international trade working group
·         MENA (Middle East and Northern Africa)-group
·         Mali project group
·         DRCongo project group
·         Newsletter editorial group
·         Fundraising
·         Ad hoc working groups
Kvindernes U-landsudvalg  •  Thoravej 13, 2. tv. •  2400 København NV  •  Tel.: +45 33 15 78 70  •  Fax: +45 33 32 53 30  •  kulu@kulu.dk
Nordea reg. nr. 2191  •  Kontonr.: 8968 139 453  •  Giro: +01 +9 00 55 01  • Mobile pay: 90 69 61
  Cvr-nr.: 83 76 75 10  •  Foto: Ole Gabrielsen   Udformning: Line Herdel   Ansv. redaktør: Janice G. Førde
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