
In Mali, KULU has in collaboration with MUSONET (formerly FEMNET-Mali), an umbrella organisation comprising 33 member organisations and 76 individual members, developed a cooperation that focus on strengthening women's networks and influence in society, and capacity building in women’s and girls rights and advocacy. KULU and MUSONET cooperate on campaigns to strengthen women’s and girls’ civil and political, social and ecnomic rights in the family and in the society. The campaign "Enable Girl’s and Women’s Rights"(Giv en pige ret) ensures girls and women an identity by educating them in their rights and providing them with official documents so they can go to school, vote, claim their rights in marriage and divorce, own property, etc.

The projects:
2005 to present: Since the MDG+5 Conference in Copenhagen in 2005, KULU has collaborated with MUSONET to develop strategies for women´s voices, participation, and access to Malian society through network and capacity building programs.

2007-2009: Network Strengthening and Organisational Capacity Building for Women’s Rights Advocacy.

Since November 2008: MUSONET and KULU have partnered to implement a fundraising and information campaign and project, “Giv en pige ret”/Enable Girls’ and Women’s Rights" in Mali, financed by KULU’s fundraising and information campaign in Denmark.

2009-2014: KULU, MUSONET and FEMNET-Africa also cooperates on a “gender and climate change program” financed through the Danish Forum for Sustainable Development/92-Group´s Southern Voice Capacity Building program. MUSONET, FEMNET and KULU are the gender eyes on the Southern Voices on Climate Change program.

The Activities in MUSONET
In July 2013 MUSONET participated in a Roundtable Discussion around COP-18 Gender Decision. Read the brief form the discussion here.

In September 2013 CARE International had arranged a workshop in Cotonou, ‘l'Atelier de l'Afrique de l'Ouest sur l'Adaption sur la Base Communautaire’ and KULU’s partner in Mali, MUSONET, attended the workshop.
The summary is now available – it is written by Mama Koite Doumbia, the president of MUSONET. The summary is in French. Read the summary here

2012: In March 2012 FEMNET launched the Women, Gender & Climate Justice webpage by an initiative of MUSONET and KULU. At the webpage you can find information and updates on what is happening in the the African region and globally issues of women, gender and climate change.

Watch the movie for Enable Girls' and Women's rights.

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  Cvr-nr.: 83 76 75 10  •  Foto: Ole Gabrielsen   Udformning: Line Herdel   Ansv. redaktør: Janice G. Førde
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